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Rozanne Lanczak Williams

Rozanne Lanczak Williams is a former teacher who writes extensively for the education and
children’s markets. She has authored over 250 books for beginner readers, teachers, and
parents. Rozanne grew up in Burgettstown, PA, a small town near Pittsburgh.  After
graduating from Duquesne University, Rozanne taught in elementary schools in
Pittsburgh, in Germany at a DOD American School, and in several urban school
districts, after relocating to Southern California, where she lives today. After teaching
for 14 years, Rozanne transitioned into the field of educational publishing, and
worked as an in-house editor for Creative Teaching Press for 6 years before becoming
a freelance writer and early literacy consultant. Rozanne is a frequent speaker at teacher
and parent conferences throughout the USA as well as many international venues.

CTP (Creative Teaching Program)美国美华少儿英语2009年进驻中国,是美式少儿英语学习的领军品牌。美华教育集团,是一家专业从事3到12岁少儿英语教育咨询与服务的国际教育集团公司,我们引进美国先进的原版英语教材,采用美国先进的教学理念、教学模式及教学方法,并结合美式教育体系、多媒体互动教学及网上教学于一体,致力于服务中国亿万家庭,助力儿童英语学习。