Sue Lewis
Sue Lewis, the creator of Itty Bitty Phonics readers, served as Director of Product
Development for Creative Teaching Press for many years.She graduated with honors
from UCLA where she decided to become a elementary teacher, and ultimately ran
a program for gifted children. While teaching with Luella Connelly, the founder of CTP,
Sue was asked to join Luella’s small company which ultimately became a large and
successful educational publishing enterprise. Along with her creative staff, Sue's
passion was creating and developing hundreds of educational books and decorative
products for students and classrooms.
CTP (Creative Teaching Program)美国美华少儿英语2009年进驻中国,是美式少儿英语学习的领军品牌。美华教育集团,是一家专业从事3到12岁少儿英语教育咨询与服务的国际教育集团公司,我们引进美国先进的原版英语教材,采用美国先进的教学理念、教学模式及教学方法,并结合美式教育体系、多媒体互动教学及网上教学于一体,致力于服务中国亿万家庭,助力儿童英语学习。